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Zero Demand Systems
In certain parts of the country, (Florida in particular) Power Companies without excess
generation capability will offer their Customers the option of a Program generally called
"Zero Demand". This program provides incentives to high demand customers willing
to shed their load during Peak usage periods. The savings can be substantial.
This allows the Customer flexibility to decide the Electrical usage required during
this times. A detailed analysis will determine your overall costs.
Key Benefits
Lower Power Costs.
Automatic Plant backup in case of
Power Failure.
Critical loads can be served. At
times there are processes under way that would be financially detrimental to the operation
if power were lost. (Example: Certification of Produce shipped to another state that has
to be kept at a constant temperature for a defined period.)
We can give you a complete Analysis of your Plant Electrical usage, Expected savings on
your Power Bill and Design and price a system to meet your needs.
- Plant Size is Unlimited
- Shown is a 4,200 Ampere, 277/480 Volt Electrical Service consisting of (4) 800 Ampere
Mains and (2) 600 Ampere Mains feeding a large Lime and Avocado processing plant in the
South Florida Area. This Service is fed on the Power Company side by a 1500 KVA Pad Mount
- Automatic Switching

- In this case, all of the loads are transferred to the Generator using Lakeshore
Automatic Transfer Switches. These are shown across the right side and back walls. Other
brands are available.
- Operation and Cost Recovery
- When a signal is received via phone line from the Power Company to the interface, the
Generator starts and the Transfer is initiated. Generator is equipped with crankcase
heaters to allow full load operation in the least amount of time. Customer expects full
payout of this installation in less than 4 years. At the end of the Peak cycle, a signal
to return to Main power is received, the loads transfer and the generator runs at no load
for a predetermined time for cooling purposes before shutdown.
Send mail to Info@lewiselec.com
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997-1998 by Lewis Electric
Last modified: July 07, 1999