Home and Building Automation
Home automation has been around in different forms for years. Each year it gets a little bit better and a little bit cheaper. Now on the market are some items made and backed by reliable manufacturers with a commitment to staying. In the past, if you bought something one year and wanted to add to it the next year, you were out of luck.
We can design a system to suit your individual needs whether it is an Existing Structure or New Construction. Residential and Business properties can benefit from lower power costs.
Turn on and off items at random times when away. Have the coffee ready every morning when you get up. Turn all of the lights on in response to an Alarm condition. Turn on the A/C and Water Heater while returning from work. Have the capability of multiple location switching of individual lights without spending a fortune. Switch remote loads in an off-building.
If you are interested in the Automated Structure concept, Feel free to E-Mail us and we will provide you with any assistance necessary. Please provide as much information about your installation as you can. Include drawings or sketches.