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Nursery Heating / Cooling / Irrigation /
Ventilation Systems
Due to the temperate South Florida climate the Homestead area has a lot of Nurseries.
Almost every type of plant is grown here and some of the Growers pride themselves on their
applications of the latest technology available.
Orchid Greenhouse -
Goulds, Florida
Maintaining a stable growing environment is essential. Temperature, Humidity,
Nutrients, Moisture and Light levels can all be controlled automatically.
Gas Boiler System - Goulds, Florida
These new systems require something special from the people installing and wiring them.
The most Hi-Tech items just don't get the job done if they are not integrated into the
overall system properly. Lewis Electric can provide you both experience and knowledge for
any project.
Valve Bank - Goulds, Florida
Boiler System designed by Mark Beach (305) 598-7835
Lewis Electric can provide a Complete Plant Nursery Electrical System.
- Heating / Cooling Controls -for vents, wet cells, propane heaters,
boiler systems, under bench watering and fans.
- Irrigation Controls
- Phase Failure Controls - For pumps, fans and motors. Protects equipment
when there are power problems.
- Remote Control and Supervision by Computer.
- Pressure demand pump systems.
- Fertilizer Injection.
- Humidity Control.
- Off-site Supervision of remote facilities.
- Main Power Distribution.
Increased production per acre.
Ease in troubleshooting and decrease in
maintenance costs.
Efficient system integration. You get what
you pay for.
Send mail to Info@lewiselec.com
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997-1998 by Lewis Electric
Last modified: July 07, 1999