Predator Contractors -
We have all at one time or another ran into the out of town CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISORY company that comes rolling in with their figures already in hand looking for local contractors to do the work. You are expected to cut your price to get the job then wait till the SUPERVISOR gets paid before you ever see any money. Even then they still keep 10% as retainage and God only knows when you will finally see it.
In this SUPERVISORY capacity the OWNER will pay the SUPERVISOR 15% of the contract price. This includes every sub-contractor involved. I have no idea as to whether the retainage applies to the SUPERVISOR.
I would love to be guaranteed 15% of the total construction cost, the interest accrued on the retainage, and not have to open a job account because the subs are financing the entire job. For my 15% all I have to do is be an on site inspector. Have all of our trades fallen so far in esteem that our CUSTOMERS feel that they have to resort to this?
The SUPERVISOR will contract with General Contractors, Plumbing Contractors, Electrical, HVAC etc. knowing full well that they are not going to get the best in the trades to operate under such conditions. These SUPERVISORS provide no direct labor or materials to the construction process, they are just paper shuffling bureaucrats.
This is another good reason for Design / Build. With a good Team consisting of an Architect, General, Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC Contractor this 15% Overhead over and above everything would be un-necessary.
Comments by: E.T. Samples
President, CEO & Qualifier for I.L.S. Enterprises Inc. Florida Certified Electrical Contractor EC# 0001734
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