Florida Senate Bill (SB1246)
On May 29th 1997 Governor Lawton Chiles allowed (SB1246) to become Law without his signature. This Bill provides for a State Minimum Building Code requirement for local governments covering "bricks and mortar issues" and acknowledging the responsibilities of State Certified Contractors.
The following is a statement by Governor Chiles issued that same day.
Statement By
Regarding State Minimum Building Codes (SB1246)
"Today I will allow state minimum building code legislation to become law without my signature. Two years ago when a similar bill passed the legislature I vetoed it because it had not gone through the legislative process. For the past two years, the 'journeyman' provision was the sole subject of Senate and House bills and both held full hearings on the subject of workforce requirements in state minimum building codes.
"State certified contractors are charged with responsibility for the overall job site and for the quality of their construction. This bill ensures they will operate under consistent rules throughout the state. Journeymen, on the other hand, are not licensed statewide and varying personnel codes in local areas can lead to a noncompetitive environment. This could lead to increased costs and construction delays.
"Local governments, who are charged with enforcement of building codes, will still have the right to increase building code standards for brick and mortar issues - for example, requiring better, more storm-resistant materials in their area.
"No one understands the lessons of Hurricane Andrew better than I do. If I thought that this bill truly threatened the safety of Floridians, I would veto it in a heartbeat. But the shoddy construction uncovered after Hurricane Andrew did not occur because of a lack of journeyman plumbers, electricians and air conditioning professionals on job sites. It occurred because of unscrupulous builders, poor construction of the foundation, framing and exterior of homes, and lax enforcement of the existing building code.
"My goal is to ensure that the state has a trained and educated workforce while still maintaining a competitive market. I am directing the Governor's Building Code Study Commission to offer recommendations on ways to better educate, train and certify the workforce to ensure proficiency and knowledge of the current building code."
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Last modified: July 07, 1999