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Lewis Electric Surge and
Transient Voltage Protection
Surge and Transient Protection -
- 10 Year warranty on most units, 5 Year on others. (No Hassle)
- Full Line - From the Largest Electrical Services to low Voltage,
Telephone and Data circuits.
- Export available.
- Installation available.
What is a Transient?
- Fast-rising electrical disturbance
- Brief in duration
- Generated internally and externally
- Repeated transients generated internally by load switching, load
cycling, load faults, etc.
- Random transients generated externally by lightning and load
switching by neighboring facilities.
How do Transients affect you?
- Harm equipment through cumulative and catastrophic damage
- Cumulative damage - erratic equipment behavior, scrambled or lost data,
component degradation
- Catastrophic damage - immediate equipment failure, downtime
- Expensive repairs
- Lost productivity
- Reduced profits
How can Surge and Transient Protection help you?
- Prevents surges from damaging equipment
- Reduces maintenance costs
- Eliminates downtime due to transient activity
- Increases operational efficiency
Lewis Electric has a reputation for Quality and Dependable service. If you feel
that you might have Surge / Transient problems (Almost everyone does) please feel free to
contact us regarding your needs.

Send mail to Info@lewiselec.com
Copyright © 1998 by Lewis Electric
Last modified: July 07, 1999