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Custom Machinery Control Panels

Growers Packing Company - Florida City, Florida

Designed and Built to your specifications. Complete stand alone units comprising of all components needed to operate processing machinery. This unit controls a complete Tomato Packing Facility. (135) Motors.

Key Benefits

[Bullet] Flexibility - Stand alone units can be placed anywhere. Make troubleshooting easier by increased access to all components.

[Bullet] Phase Failure and Undervoltage Protection - All motors protected. No more motors lost due to single phasing. This is a real money saver in all plants.

[Bullet] Sequence Start - Motors start in reverse sequence of product flow in a timed pattern. The startup current of an electric motor is approx 600% of full load current. The control ensures an even startup, reducing stress on all feeder components. In the event of an overload, the motor that shuts down will turn off all motors feeding product to it. No more product pileups.

Unit under construction. Controls 260 motors. Location - Florida City, Florida

All Control enclosures on this page were built by:

Peterson Machinery Service. Contact: Robert Peterson (305) 258-2137 -------------------------------------------------25400 S.W. 139th Avenue Princeton, Florida 33032

If you are interested in Custom Machinery Control Panels / Cabinets, Feel free to E-Mail us and we will provide you with any assistance necessary. Please provide as much information about your installation as you can. Please include Drawings or Sketches, Loads, Voltages, etc.


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Copyright © 1997 by Lewis Electric
Last modified: July 07, 1999