What we are seeing now, is the attempt of our own Government to protect us. As long as this protection is ambivalent and only costs the average joe whatever time it takes waiting at the airport for a flight or additional security at the Sunday football it's alright.
Please note: We had passengers on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania that really took care of business, and in the future will be remembered forever in history books, possible monuments, and in the minds of all. The actions they took that day at the ultimate expense to themselves, saved untold numbers of people that met the fate of those at the Trade Center and the Pentagon.
President Bush promised that civil liberties would not fall victim to new security. "We will defend our country and while we do so we will not sacrifice the freedoms that make our land unique,". (10/01)
Even the thought of a person in this Country being detained without charges LEGALLY should raise the hackles of any TRUE AMERICAN. (What's good for one is good for all).
Any easing of TAPPING PHONE LINES will not be a violation of civil liberty? Computer lines fall under the same deal.
I understand that at the present moment, people want to do all they can to assist in the ongoing fight against International Terrorism, but PLEASE DO NOT ABROGATE your basic rights by letting the Legislature and Senate pass bills that the PRESIDENT has basically said that he would not and should not sign into law.
As a Veteran of the United States Military, I would not appreciate under any circumstances any infringement of my rights whatsoever (Marshal Law Excluded) including any search or seizure outside of the current scope of law, violation of my telephonic or cyber privacy.
Folks, We need to watch whats going on and make sure we don't lose a hell of a lot more than we already have.
E.T. Samples